Thu. May 9th, 2024

Here are some basics about the chess pieces

Pawn: There are a total of 8 pawns in each side. All the pawns are placed in front of all other pieces. It can move two squares at first but can move only one square thereafter. It can move forward but cannot move backward, horizontally or vertically. It can attack any piece only diagonally.

Knight: The knight is represented by horse’s head and neck. It is placed between bishop and Rook. There are 2 knights on each side. It moves in an L pattern, two squares in one direction then one square in another. It is the only piece which can jump over another piece.


Bishop: There are 2 bishops in each side. It looks like a hat. It is placed by the side of king and queen. It can move diagonally and through any number of vacant squares.

Rooks: It looks like castles. There are 2 rooks on each side.
Rooks can move any number of squares forward, backward or from side to side but always in a straight line i.e. cannot move diagonally.

Queen: It is considered as the most powerful piece in the game of chess. It has also one on each side. It is placed next to the King. It can move any number of squares vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

King: The king is the most important piece because the purpose of the game is to capture the opponent’s king.
The king can move one square in any direction.

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